Sunday 1 November 2009


First off, one of the worst weekends for going out in Brighton. After tonight I really never wanna go out on a Friday or Saturday night ever again (I probably will, but I am just really angry). So Friday I had slept pretty much all day, did a whole lot of nothing and then watched Sopranos. That night I really didn't know quite what was going on with everyone, but Simon's friend Neal was here who had been here the weekend I got from Dublin and he was a really chill kid so I just said screw it and decided to hang out with them tonight and see where the night takes us. So my main goal was to recreate my great experience that I had at Life like 10 days before this. So as I said before that night at life was amazing, but Friday night was miserable. James, who I know its not his fault, said we should go to Digital. Me never having been to Digital thought what the heck lets go. So on the way into town we just so happened to get on the very same bus as Ginny, Hollis, Lauren, Thea and Elizabeth. We hung out with them on the bus for a while, got off and parted from each other. They said they were going to go to Pav Tav and not go clubbing, which in retrospect was a million times better of an idea. So we go down to Digital, and on the way James seriously needs a leash. He is trying to talk to every person he sees. Finally we make our way into Digital and we look around at the line and notice that it is quite a sausage fest. We debated heavily whether to go in and finally we were like whatever lets go. Big mistake. We get into the club and they are playing the LAMEST music with like dance beats on them. I am talking 70s 80s music. At one point they were playing some Smash Mouth song and I wanted to put a bullet in my head. Then I begin to notice some peculiar activity going on. I was thinking wow these guys are mad lame they are all just dancing with each other. Then I look over and see a guy lifting up another guys shirt and slipping a fiver in his waist line on his pants. Then I looked at all the guys and was like dude this is a gay bar. It took us about 30 seconds and we peaced out quick. So now this is the second time I have gone to a gay bar in Brighton. After that we tried to find all of the girls that we saw on the bus and I called them, but no one answered so we just walked over to Pav Tav to see if they were there. At this point my whole night was ruined and when we saw that they were not there I just wanted to go home. I got a call on the bus from Ginny and she wanted to leave town and come chill with back in my room. We all got home and just chilled in Simon's room waiting for Ginny and them to come just listening to Dubstep like a bunch of losers. Finally Ginny and Hollis got to York House and James and I chilled with them for a bit and then they left, but as they were leaving Lauren, Thea and Elizabeth come running in almost give me a heart attack and we ended up all chilling for a little while more. Everyone left and I stayed up until 8 am because I think I might be almost an insomniac. Saturday I woke up with high expectations at 2 pm. I had had a horrible nights sleep and have been in kind of a grumpy mood. I sat in my room and watched too much Sopranos for my own good again then started getitng ready for Halloween. I was going to go chill with Mike at his pad, but then on the way to Swanborough I saw Amanda and decided hanging out with girls might be more fun then hanging out with just Mike. I chilled in Alex's room for a little bit and saw everyone's costumes. Then we all made our way over to the party at Swanborough. I was not dressed up as anything for Halloween, but slowly accumulated a sweet costume. I put on someones Scallycap and wore a fake mustache and went around telling everyone I was Amanda's grandpa. She said her grandpa didn't like that so I decided to be Krissy's grandpa "Grumpy Vince". I walked around all night looking like a fool. So when we went into town I still had hung over contempt for Brighton because of the miserable failure of the previous night. We walked around aimlessly for a little while and everyone wanted to go to Coalition or Honey Club, no one went because we were right it cost £10 and I would never pay that much god damn cover for those places. We ended up just getting fish and chips and trying to go home. After fish and chips people wanted a Kebab and I got one of those too. I was disgustingly full. We went to the bus stop and waited for like an hour watching 4 buses that were full drive by us. Finally we all were really pissed off and just wanted to walk home. On the way home Matt and I bought a road beer to drink on the way back. Turns out Brighton is farther then I thought from Sussex. It took me 1 hour and 45 minutes to walk home with everyone. Some people just ended up waiting for another bus, but we still got home the same time as them by just walking. I got back and my feet were literally on fire and I went to bed. So moral of the story, this year Halloween sucked and I hate Digital on Friday. Another thing, all morning I have been thinking why my tongue hurts and feels weird, I burnt the shit out of it on fish and chips, so just another reason for me to be not happy about this weekend.

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