Friday 6 November 2009

Don't Trust a Ho

So after the Sunday I had when I was chilling at home because I was so miserable because of walking home from Brighton and being so tired that I was just a miserable prick all day, I woke up the next day trying to be really optimistic and went to class because the only reason I really ever even go to class is because I am so bored and don't ever have anything else to do. So I went to Politics and tried to add something substantial to the discussion, but it probably wasn't because I don't know anything about Margaret Thatcher. So I went to Psychology and had to listen to some guy dribble on about the environment. Just to let you know I HATE the environment, like for real. If I never had to hear about the environment again in my life I would be so much better off. Well anyway I came back after all my classes and did nothing for the rest of the night as usual. Tuesday I was once again a loser and did nothing. When I was in Psych I thought I was mad cool because I was arguing how the environment sucks and there is nothing humans can do to preserve the earth because we have already done enough damage. Anyways that night I sent out a message to everyone saying how I wanted to go to PavTav because they had some sick drink specials, and I as admin of SIS abused my powers and asked everyone to go It ended up being Krissy, Ginny, Elizabeth, Mitch, Annalisa, and me all going in. At the bar we got pitchers of margaritas and Sex on the Beach. Funniest thing ever happened though Krissy and I were talking about how we loved being in England and direct quote swear to god, "If this experience has taught me anything (long pause) I am so drunk" I nearly died when she told me that and put it in my phone so I would never forget. So that night Krissy lost her ring her grandmother gave her and she got really sad so we went and sat on the beach with her and ate some kebabs so she would feel better. Good thing though is that she found her ring the next day because the bartender called her . So Wednesday was an epic day. I finally was able to watch the last episode of Sopranos, which seriously almost made me cry. I LOVE that show so much, I wish it would never end. But it ended and I was totally fine with that, but it felt like a chapter of my life was ending. Jamie Lynn Sigler is by far the most beautiful person I have ever seen in my life, I wish she would marry me...for real. So that night was finally 3Oh!3. This was such a sick concert. I went to the concert at Komedia pretty buzzed. I was buying drinks at the bar, but it was mad expensive. Thea came up with the brilliant idea to use our stamps that we got to go out and buy more beer and bring it back in. This worked perfectly. We went to the off license and bought mad brews and were able to bring them back into the concert and not spend £5 on a Vodka Red Bull. The concert ended up being completely awesome. Towards the end I went into the "pit" and fucked everyone up. After the concert we all went to Varsity of my request and it was pretty sick. Yes that is why I am an admin. on the SIS 09 Facebook group. So I went home and slept for like 2 hours and for some reason I woke up and could not fall back asleep until 9 am, which sucked a lot. So the next day for some reason I felt so happy. I have no idea why, the whole time I wanted to talk to my mom. But then that night it was the 5th of November, which is basically almost the same thing as the 4th of July in the US. They love to burn shit and let off fireworks here for this holiday. So there was and SIS reunion that night, and Malcom and Kai took us all to Lewes to show us how to get down on the 5th of Novemeber. For anyone who doesn't know about the 5th of November, check out the movie V for Vendetta. So we all took the train to Lewes and it was literally insane. According to Kai there was 120,000 people there while we there. That is legit insane. So the whole night we were walking around looking at all the different parades going around and people holding all the torches. That night I seriously was the jumpiest person to ever exist. Everytime one of the bagers were going off I would flinch like a crack head. I was seriously becoming a joke to some people. Eventually Thea and I made it over to find everyone because we got lost like seriously 3 times from everyone. So when we finally made it back to find everyone we ended up going to the free bon fire, which was by far the biggest one I have ever seen in my life. The pallets were stacked atleast 25 ft hight. It was ridiculous. We all ended up seeing the whole pile burn to shreds. It was totally insane. Then after the pallets burned they started letting off fireworks that rivaled the best 4th of July celebrations that I have ever seen. The British for some reason think its awesome to celebrate and attempted terrorist attack. I don't know why, but hey whose to judge. So I made my way home chilled with Mitch and the homies for a little while, then went to bed for like 12 hours. The previous week I seriously probably slept for 12 hours in 7 days. I felt like a crack head. So after sleeping all day I literally did nothing that day as well. Jaskaran who was visiting this weekend wanted to chill with everyone so we all chilled in York house TV room and played this game called "Hello Govna" which was really sick and got everyone pretty good for the night. Now tomorrow I am going to go to London to see Mitch's mom and do touristy things. Side note..Elizabeth is a tard because she got her camera jacked and I told her that she could use my camera and I charged it and everything for her so she could use it in Switzerland. The retard left it so what and idiot.

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