Wednesday 18 November 2009

The Saga that was Paris (Part deux)

After Thea calls me, I call Elizabeth and am like "lets go party." So I meet her at the train station and we take these crazy directions to this place where we are going to meet Thea and her friends. We get off the train I have no idea where to go so we just wait. Elizabeth and I get some drinks at this restaurant which was basically just soda. We ordered the weakest Long Island Iced Tea ever made. Finally Thea and this girl Jessie meet us. Jessie is a bitch and me and her are polar opposites. I tell a funny joke, which she thinks is not funny because it was pretty offensive, but hey quit being such a prude bitch. The joke was about the Venus Di Milo. Mike said a funny little quip about how she would be easy to rape cause she has no arms. Pretty offensive, but hilarious. I told Thea, Elizabeth and Jessie this and while I was dying laughing, all of them were just sitting there in silence. Needless to say they were all thoroughly offended about rape jokes so I was doomed with this girl the whole night. This girl hated me the whole night, we were going back and forth and just being drunk dumb asses. After the restaurant where we polished off a couple bottles of wine, we went to this bar. It was pretty cool. Some funny music playing and the drinks were extremely overpriced. I bought a Jack and Coke for basically $20. It was insane. After the Jack and Coke the night goes blank. Apparently I run off and am no where to be found for about 2 hours. They are searching the city aimlessly for me. At one point my phone dies and this is where I black back in. I was so confused at how I got where I was and why they were so pissed at me. Luckily I got into this restaurant and am able to put my sim card in this guys phone and he lets me use it to call them. They come find me, beat the shit out of me and we make our way back home to the hotel. I see a McDonald's and am convinced we are close to our hotel because logically this is the same exact McDonald's...not. I keep telling them that we are right around the corner which we are totally not. Eventually we get into a cab and drive 1o minutes and get back to the hotel. At the hotel apparently they don't have 24 hour reception. Elizabeth kicked the door down and we had to break into the hotel, it was crazy. I was so scared the next morning thinking we were going to get in trouble and go to jail for breaking and entering. When we got to the room, I passed out right on the floor fully dressed with shoes on. I wake up the next day and take one of the longest showers of my life and felt like shit the whole day. We got on the train to Versailles and I slept most of the way. We got off the train made our way over to the Palace and as we were taking pictures out front, I randomly bumped into Liz. We were both going crazy because it was so random. It was crazy too because I was thinking how sick it would be to bump into someone randomly in Europe and there is happened. We made our way into the palace which was pretty cool, but the best part was the Gardens. By the way I love being a student because I got into everything for free. It is the shit. The Gardens were amazing like one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. I was not feeling to hot so I decided to chill on a bench and just soak in the beauty of the gardens. It was so relaxing and after that I felt a lot better. Mike and I really wanted to go to McDonald's because I wanted to order "freedom" fries, and Mike wanted a Royal with cheese like they talked about in Pulp Fiction. This was the sickest McDonald's I have ever seen it was so nice inside. After that we were going to go back into the city center and see what we wanted to do. At that point we split because Jena, Krissy, and Lauren wanted to do shopping and we just wanted to chill and have a relaxing day. So after we split we kind of messed around in the metro station. At one point we were walking backwards on the moving sidewalk for a while. We then decided that we wanted to go to Musee D'orsay. It was a really nice museum that we got into free for (love being a student). We went through, saw tons of art. Funny anecdote about the museum was we were walking through looking at all the paintings of nature and portraits of people. I walk into one room that was really cool and had some really good paintings and the room immediately behind it the main center piece of the freaking exhibition was a painting of a spread legged woman with a full on bush. This was disgusting and if I would have been expecting this then there would have been no reaction, but since it came out of no where I yell and jump and leave the room at once. I made an ass out of myself and looked like I was 5 years old, but hey it was shocking. Mike claims it was one of the top 10 best moments of his life. We then look at many more paintings leave the museum.

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