Wednesday 18 November 2009

The Saga that was Paris (Part 1)

So Friday night comes around and I am getting ready to get on my 13 hour trip that will land me in Paris. So as usual Elizabeth, Thea, Mike and Me are running extremely late to the point where we think that we are going to miss our bus. Jena, Lauren, and Krissy were already in town and waiting at the bus stop. When we got there the bus was late so we thought well hell let's get a kebab. We went into Kebab No. 5 and as soon as we ordered our food, the bus pulls up and is trying to hurry because it was already late. So the douche bag worker at the Kebab place was taking his sweet time, and not giving us our change. He thought Elizabeth was trying to steal £2 and was just being super sketchy. The kebab wasn't even good so I am pretty sure that is the last time I will ever eat one. I even bet Mike £20 that I will never eat one while I am here. So we got on the bus and were all pretty excited for our trip to Paris because besides Elizabeth none of us had ever been there. We were chatting, eating some candy, and finally we got to London and had to wait for our direct bus to Paris. We hung out got some food from KFC, and played cards in the coach station. Finally we got on our bus. The bus was really crowded so we all had to sit next to someone and it sucked. I literally did not sleep at all that night. Throughout the whole night I am pretty sure I slept for maybe an hour and the longest stretch was probably 30 minutes of me sleeping, and the rest was broken up. So right as I was attempting to fall asleep one of the times, we came up to the Channel Tunnel, also known as the "Chunnel". I hate the Chunnel, it was one of the weirdest things I have ever experienced. Our coach drove up into some train car and they shut us in the train car. Then the train took us to Calais in France. It was so weird because it felt like an oven inside this train car and it was the weirdest thing too feeling like you are moving but the bus isn't moving. So after roasting for about 30 minutes we finally got out of the Chunnel. I literally just sat there sweating and not sleeping until we got to Paris. I was tired when I first got off the bus, but we had to get going. We got into the city center and immediately went to a cafe trying to find some food. I didn't get anything, but we chilled there trying to figure out what we were going to do for the next couple days. First we made our way over to Notre Dame Cathedral. It was amazing going inside there. I didn't get the audio tour so I know nothing about it really, but it was so cool seeing all the stain glass windows, and the huge seating area. I lit a couple prayer candles and even took a big candle that you were supposed to donate money for and kept it. After we went out of the Cathedral we went over and got a crepe. It was amazing, I had Banana with Nutella. After that we went on an adventure trying to find our hotel. So Andrea told me she stayed in this hotel that was a pretty sweet location and kinda cheap. We had to sneak people into the hotel because we only booked for 4 people and had 7. The weird thing too was that you had to give the key back when you left the building so there was no way we could get 2 keys and the stairs and elevator were right by the reception. So we tried to divise a plan to sneak people up, but just ended up walking Mike up there. After we checked in we split up. Thea went off with her roommate from school, and Elizabeth went off with her friend who was in Paris at the same time. So Krissy, Lauren, Jena, Mike and I all went off to the Louve. It was so sick seeing all the stuff on the way over there too. We got to ride the metro, which is really cool because I don't know any French and at no point did I get lost on the train. We also got these 2 day passes that got us on as much as we wanted and we got our money's worth for sure. In the Louve we saw all the main sights, the Mona Lisa, Venus di Milo, and a bunch of the renaissance art from the late 15th century to early 16th century. After the Louve we headed over to the Eiffel Tower because we wanted to see it in the day time and be able to go up the tower and see the city, but we also wanted to see it at night so we went like an hour before the sun went down so we could get the best of both worlds. We were only able to go up to 2nd level because the wind was crazy and we would have probably fallen off if we had gone to the top. Being on the tower was so crazy and amazing. You could see for so far and the sky was nice and clear. It eventually got really cold and dark. Being on the tower at night is crazy we even were on when the light show was going on. Since I was so cold, I thought that some hard liquor might warm me up and it did. I had preemptively brought a bottle of lemonade and vodka so I could liven things up a little, and I did to say the least. We went down to take pictures of the tower all lit up, and there are all these crazy African vendors who are trying to sell souvinears. I was going up to mess with them, but I just ended up buying a light up Eiffel Tower. Everyone thought I was so stupid because it was 5 euro, but I was drunk and didn't care. We then go out to dinner and Mike and I were intent on eating a French dinner. Although we failed miserably it was still awesome. We both got Chicken Ceasar Salads and some drinks. The meal wasnt that bad only 12 euro and the drink was just as much as the meal almost. Side note, Parisians are nuts. The beer there cost just as much if not cheaper then the soda. A bottle of Coke was 5 euro!! That is like almost $8. Needless to say I did not buy coke. After dinner we made our way back to the hotel and were thinking about laying low. Then I got a call from Thea with her asking what we were doing, she told me she wanted me and Elizabeth to come meet up with her where she was getting dinner so we could meet her friend. Little did I know chaos would insue.

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