Friday 30 October 2009

Baba Ghanoush

So this week has been a quite week. Monday I went to class took 2 naps and didn't do that much. At the end of the day I was hanging out with James and Simon and at 2 am I decided to do my paper, which I finished at 4 am. So I thought that by getting the paper done early I would be able to go out Tuesday night, but I ended up going to bed at like 8 pm that day and slept a ridiculous amount. Tuesday in my seminar was really fun though. Since our paper was due the next day the TA said that anyone who wanted to go work on it could, because I was done with my paper I decided to stay. It was so much fun because we just chatted with the the TA and there was only like 4 of us. I just left the class feeling really glad that I stayed. The next day was my lazy day I had no class and was just kind of bored the whole day and didn't do much. Tane's step brother was here visiting and he was probably the craziest kid ever. This could really now how to get down. That night we went out to dinner for Elizabeth's birthday. It was Me, Thea, Elizabeth, and Amy. We went to this place called Donatellos and it was so good. I got this pizza with French Fries and mayo on it. At the restaurant we looked so trashy because at the table we all ordered like Tonic water or pineapple juice and we were mixing our own drinks at the table. The funniest part though was at the end after we paid we had a water bottle of vodka on the table and our own mixer for the drinks it was hilarious . Then after dinner, we went to this pub called the Fish Bowl. I had already been here before the night of the Brighton tour, but it was pretty cool this time, there was live music from random musicians and we just sat upstairs and had a couple drinks. Then I wanted to go to Varsity again because I wanted to say high to Edie because she told me she was working that night. So when we got to the bar it was 2 for 1 Coronas and I bought a round, but she gave us 4 for the price of one it was so sick. So we went and chilled in a booth and hung out for a little while. Then we went home because I was mad tired because of my early start. The next day I hung out with Max (Tane's step brother) and the porter was being mad sketchy with us and trying to catch us ridin dirty, but we just peaced. Then I just hung out for a little after class and watched Sopranos, but then that night I went out to dinner again. Thea and I went to this really good vegetarian tapas place. We split this platter that was pretty much a grab bag of everything. It was so good, and for once in this country we had good service. Not like your regular get everything on time, but this waitress went above the call of duty. Then after the bar we went and had some drinks at this pub called The Black Lion. We were just hanging out there waiting for other people to get in to town and we saw this guy who we couldn't tell if he was dressing up for Halloween as a pirate or if that is just how he dressed. He got up and started dancing and it was hilarious. Then we were walking to Oxygen to meet up with everyone. We got there and we saw Elizabeth, Amanda, Lauren, Krissy, and Ginny. The shots there were only £1.50 and I immediatly went and bought Thea a shot with Tabasco, Sambuca, and Tequila in it. I brought it back to her and she was so mad because earlier in the night we were talking about how she got that shot for free in Edinburgh and how nasty it was. But that is kind of where my night "ends". From what I have gathered I got kicked out of the bar and went to a pretty sweet strip club (that didn't black out). But then when I was on the bus I fell 'asleep' and all of a sudden woke up and bolted off the bus leaving everyone I was with behind and woke up this morning fully dressed at 8 am.

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