Monday 30 November 2009

The Giving of Thanks

Alright so legit right now I am going to start off saying that I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to be on this experience. It has changed my life in so many ways for the better, given me a whole new prospecitve on life, and all the people I have met and the people who I hope to be my friends for the rest of my life. Anyways, So the Sunday after Amsterdam I just went to the library and read for like a million years, not really, but literally all day. Then there was a stupid fire alarm in York House that night and I tried to hide out in my room. It would go off and on and off and on so finally I just got pissed off and left and went outside. The next day I did the same thing, did not go to class and just read all day in order to prepare to write my essay. I did work and skipped class because I wanted to be able to go out that night for Jena's birthday. She was turning 21 so there was no way I could miss that. We went to Varsity and it was hilarious. Got a little too tipsy, and somehow got in a legit fist fight with Elizabeth. The whole thing started over me not wanting to see Ginny's boobs, which apparently I said very rudely. So since this was like a legit fight we both had battle scars. The next morning Elizabeth and I were talking and asking why we had bruises everywhere, we both had no recollection of our fight. Then Thea text me saying all the pictures that she has are just me and Elizabeth wrestling and fighting. So that night we were supposed to go to a club, but then Thea disappears, I call her and she is somewhere way far away. Eventually I meet up with her. Then we see Mitch and Annalisa on the bus and cruise home. The next day I didn't do a thing, just wrote my essay like a loser. Wednesday was another crazy night. So we start pregaming pretty hard, and go to Oceana. I haven't been to Oceana in a while so it was nice to go back. I kept thinking I wasn't drunk enough which is always a bad sign. This by the way was the first time I rode the Lemon Bus. Krissy, Hollis, and I all rode this while everyone else took the regular bus like chumps. So at Oceana it was hilarious, these Russian girls heard me ordering a drink at the bar and recognized my American accent and were all about that shit. I told them I was from California and they nearly wet themselves. So seamlessly I make it home with Elizabeth and Hollis and on the way home I was passed out and woke up randomly and jumped off the bus because I had to pee really bad. No one knew whether I made it home alright, but as always I managed to. The next day was awesome THANKSGIVING. I had been waiting for this day for a long time. I have not been so pumped about Thanksgiving in such a long time. So all day Elizabeth, Lauren, eventually Krissy, and I were slaving away in Elizabeth's kitchen preparing for our feast. I made some killer mashed potatoes. We also decided to dress for the festivities. We all made headbands and put on some war paint so we could look like the Injuns that helped the Pilgrims make Thanksgiving. (Side note-we weren't ruthlessly slaughtered like the real native americans afterwards) So at dinner I think I ate more food than I have ever eaten on Thanksgiving ever! Like I was SOOOOOO full it was incredible. I started trying to pregame and almost had to throw in the towel, but I championed through it and managed to make my way out. Cool new thing we did too was have Elizabeth go upstairs and drop her bus pass down for me so I could use it as well it was awesome. We went to Casablanca because it is the shit and cheap and cool. So at Casablanca I saw a £600 Burberry jacket chillin on the ground. So I think, "wow, what kind of idiot would leave this laying on the ground in a crowded club, he doesn't deserve to have it." I grab it within maybe 5 seconds he comes up to me and freaks out. I claim I thought it was Elizabeth's jacket, he obviously doesn't believe me, but whatever no harm done. We go home after a pretty funny night. Friday I was pretty tired and didn't do much just chilled out because it has been raining non stop here it is so gay. Then went to bed at around 8:30 and woke up for a couple hours in between, but slept until about 11:30 the next day. Saturday was probably one of the chillest nights I have had here in a while. There was supposed to be some game night, which is mad lame, but Elizabeth, Krissy and I wanted to pregame it to make it fun. We ended up pregaming and was like "fuck this" and just ordered pizza or something and watched District 9. I fell asleep, but then Thea had just got home from Dublin and Mitch and Annalisa came back over and we all chilled into the late hours of the night. Then Sunday we woke up early (10:30) and went out to Sunday Roast with Elizabeth's parents. This has been so sweet, I have managed to have people like me so much that 3 separate sets of parents have taken me to eat. The roast was dank and then Elizabeth and Thea wanted to go out shopping afterward. I hate shopping and lasted about 20 minutes then went home on my own. Later that night after a nap and stuff Elizabeth, Thea, Ginny, Jake and I went out to dinner at this sick Lebonese restaurant with a Hookah Bar on top. Apparently you can't smoke ANYTHING indoors in this country so I we sat in this little overhang and I was freezing, but it was still awesome. We had to wait for like 30 minutes for the bus so we played this lame game that little kids play when they are hiking or in a car or something were you have to say something in alphabetical order of what you are bring to your grandma's house in your trunk. Ya we are all 20/21 and so fucking cool.

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