Saturday 28 November 2009

I AMsterdam

So Wednesday I won poker and it was freaking awesome. I seriously made Mike my bitch in the game and punked him so hard. Then Thursday was finally the day of AMSTERDAM. I was more excited for this trip then any other trip I have had so far. We booked this ticket so far in advance and have been anticipating it for ages. So we wake up and all slowly meet on our way up to the train station. We do the usual thing and take our train up there. So on this trip was seriously a ridiculous amount of people, 9!!! Thea, Mitch, Annalisa, Jena, Hollis, Ginny, Mike, Lauren, and Me. This shit was tough to handle having everyone kind of not taking the reigns and being in charge. So we go get on our plane, the flight is about 45 min and we land. I think when we landed we then taxied in the airplane for about a half hour. I don't know where the heck we landed, but it was far. So we got there really unsure of what to do. Thea had been here before so she kind of knew what was going on. We ended up buying this pass for 50 euro which gave us free access to about 30 museums, a canal cruise, and free use of the trams in the city. This actually was such a good deal. We went to about 4 museums, used the tram A LOT, and took a canal cruise. Mike didn't buy one and I would give him so much shit every time we went to use our card and get stuff for free, while he had to pay. So we finally take the train into the city, getting lost on the way of course and having to switch trains, and we make it in. So the hostel I booked is called the Flying Pig. There is 2 of them, Uptown and Downtown. I swear on my life I thought I booked the downtown one so we went there. I guess since I was drunk when I booked it I must have misread so I was obviously wrong. We then take another 30 minutes to find our Uptown hostel. It was still pretty sweet. Basically like living in a bar for a couple days. They had a bar as their common room. We get in and check in. Lauren booked her trip after I already booked the hostel so we had to sneak her in and she and Ginny split the cost because they shared a bed. Mitch and Annalisa booked a hotel near us originally, but since I am an idiot and booked the wrong hostel, there hotel was no where near us. So once we get settled in we are starving and decide to go eat at a shitty overpriced "sports" bar. This place sucked, I really wish I just went to McDonald's. After this is when the fun begins. We go next door to a coffee shop called the Bull Dog. As soon as I get in there I am in awe. This country is so weird. That is the only way I can describe it, WEIRD. Side note, I don't know if this is fact, but I am pretty sure there is more bikes then people in Amsterdam. Everyone is riding a bike, and by everyone I mean EVERYONE. Old men, young men, grannies, young professionals, homeless people, EVERYONE. They love their freakin bikes there. You have to look out everywhere you go or you will get destroyed by a bike. So I get into the coffee shop and help everyone get settled in with their new products, and decide to have a chocolate muffin for a snack. Thea and I, the only people who had Annalisa's number both left our phones in the hostel so we had to go back so we could find them, but we ended up meeting them on the way to the hostel, so it was all good. We go back chill at the Bull Dog for a while, then decide to hit up another spot. Going on a vacation like this was so strange. Everyone just gets quite and especially when there is so many people it begins to feel mad awkward. Then everyone just starts laughing at how quite it is, then I'll make so stupid joke. It was weird. We went to a couple shops, where I had no idea what they were called. One was like Jamaican themed, but then when you were inside it looked like you were in a spaceship. Then this room we were sitting in was supposed to be some planet. It looked pretty sick. In this coffee shop they played like 4 songs in a row with the same music, but a different person singing along to this music. I don't know if that is common, but it was mad strange. Then they played this song called "Bird of Prey" which honestly lasted about a half hour. We would zone out for a couple minutes then we would be like "is this song seriously still playing?" Mike kept trying to play ice breakers because of the mad awkward silences going on, and it made it worse. Then after sitting in there and not buying anything being dicks, we went to another coffee shop. We just sat there and left because there was not enough seating and the guy yelled at us saying it is a coffee shop and not a party. So after that we called it a night because we were all really tired. I went to bed at about 1130 and slept till 1030. I was well rested for the next day. We were all laughing at about how lazy we were the first day. We woke up the next day and wanted to quickly make use of our passes. We went to the Rijksmuseum, which from what I saw is pretty much a Dutch history museum. You weren't supposed to take pictures inside there, but I managed to sneak one of cupid. It was pretty cool, but after we went to the Van Gough Museum, which was awesome. Cruised around there for a little bit, then took the pictures of the I AMsterdam sign. Mike made a funny joke asking why America did not think of that first. Valid point. At various points during the day we were eating snacks and had some good pastries. The weather was also strange too, it kept raining off and on all day, which was pretty lame. Finally we were able to meet up with Mitch and Annnalisa right when we were getting on the canal cruise. This canal cruise was so lame I managed to take a nap on it. After the fun began. We went to Cafe 420 and and hung out with some hot chocolate. Then we hit up McDonald's for one of our about 5-6 McDonald's pit stops. I ate another hot dog and we went back to chill at the hostel. I had a couple drinks at the bar and chilled, but then we decided to out to the Red Light District which was ridiculous. There was legit red lights in the window were the whores were standing trying to solicite men walking by. There was also venues everywhere with live sex shows going on for only 25 euro. Thea jokingly said she would pay 15 to some promoter and he told her she could pay 15 if she gave him a bj. Then called her an American bitch (thanks George Bush), so she was thoroughly offended and we proceeded to walk. After our adventure to the Red Light District, we went back to the hostel again. Everyone went to bed, but me and Thea still chilled in the bar area downstairs for a while. Dude do you meet the weirdest people in hostels. Freaks gravitate to those places. Some of the shit you hear from people talking is unfathomable. Then you always get the one prick who thinks he is so cultured and knows everything about the city and the world because he has spent his whole summer living by himself traveling Europe on some money they won from a law suit for getting hit by a Budweiser truck when they were delivering telegrams (true story, swear to god, met a bitch in Ireland and that was her story). So after listening to some weirdos t (this fag from Northeastern) we went back upstairs and fell asleep. Had to wake up early Saturday to check out and ate some breakfast for free. Then came the longest day ever. We took the train into downtown and began looking for a smart shop and looking for the Rembrandt house. We found a smart shop and got what we needed, then went to the Rembrandt house. It was pretty sweet, but then afterward we all felt a little funny. Walked around aimlessly forever and then found the Nemo science center. It looked like boat that was sinking and we went inside and freaked out. This place was strange. You could sit in this booth and here teenagers "thoughts". Honestly this is one of the most liberal open countries in the world. They had sex exhibits where little kids were running around and they had a "kama sutra" sort of thing. Shit was intense. But I think this makes complete sense to teach little kids stuff like this because that way when they are teenagers they will no what to do, instead of be like Sarah Palin's daughter and think "Oh you cant get pregnant the first time you have sex" or whatever bull the evangelical's teach their children. Literally after that we walked around for EVER when we were done. We had no idea what to do. The worst part about having 9 people is one person would decide what we were doing and then we would walk for 10 minutes and someone would say "wait what are we doing?" then we would have to regroup and reestablish what we were doing. O ya during the day we somehow split up with Annalisa and Mitch because we got off the train and they didn't get off in time. That was before we went to any museum. We find them again and go get our stuff from the hostel. We then hung out in this park called Vondell Park for like a half hour and then Mitch, Mike, Annalisa, and I go to this coffee shop to get some snacks. Everyone else had just gone to McDonald's. We eventually leave to go to the airport and make our way back home. I was starving so I went to McDonald's at the airport. So throughout this whole day Mike was tripping hardcore. Like seriously on a good one. Thea made the best reference that referred to his state of mind. He was like Dory from "Finding Nemo". Short term memory. Throughout the whole day he had no idea what was going on and was in desperate need of water. It was actually one of the funniest things I have ever seen in my life. I felt like I was a little kid and I could pick on him, and he was like mental or something. It was strange, anyway he made it out fine and managed to have a good time. We all get home pass out after an excellent trip.

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