Wednesday 18 November 2009

The Saga that was Paris (Part 3)

After the museum we decide to go get something to eat. We go to this little cafe across the street and I got a ham and cheese crepe that was so good. There was Dijon Mustard with it, which was so good. So after this we decide to go back to the Eiffel Tower to look at it at night. Seriously I can not convey how much I love the Eiffel Tower at night. One of the most amazing things to see in the world. I have seen some shit too now that I am a world traveler. Elizabeth, Mike, Thea and I all just laid in the grass and just stared at the beauty that was the Eiffel Tower. We got to see the light show too which was really sick. Before we got to the Eiffel Tower Mike bought a barret and looked like a total French dude. We used eyeliner to put a mustache on him and he wore Thea's scarf. He looked hilarious. We even got a picture of us doing the Eiffel Tower on Elizabeth which was awesome. So after that we go on a huge adventure for a dessert crepe, but we couldn't find one because everything was closed. We got on the train went to the coach station, got McDonald's again which was awesome. Seriously best McChicken sandwiches ever in Paris. It's cool too, Elizabeth got a beer with her combo meal at McDonald's. So this is where the bus ride from hell begins. As we get on the bus we all had our own row and took up 2 seats each. Right as the coach was about to leave 2 girls get on and try and sit next to Thea, so I was just like come back and sit with me. So everyone in our group except us had 2 seats to themselves. We drive forever and get to Calais. We didn't go through the Chunnel again, but this time we got on a fairy. We got off the bus and had to go through customs and get our visa checked. Then we got back on the bus and I was expecting that we would just drive on the ferry and we would sleep in the bus. So I just took a sleeping pill and thought cool I will pass out for the rest of the time. No I had to get off and go sit in the lounge of the ferry. I was a walking zombie. I passed out in the fetal position on this couch. I woke up and got off the ferry and immediately passed out on the bus again. We had to wake up in London at 4:30 am and wait 2 and half freakin hours for our bus from London to Brighton which sucked. I slept on the cold hard floor for about a half hour at one point. I was so angry and tired and I lost my ticket and had to go to this stupid office and wait forever to get a new one. The bus was extremely cold and uncomfortable. I thought I was going to die. We get back to Brighton and I was just so angry and tired. I get home and pass out at once. I wake up with Mitch knocking on my door asking me about the trip. I tell him all the shit that went down and tried to show him pictures of Mike, but I can't find my camera anywhere. I thought I had left it on the ferry because it fell out of my pocket. Little did I know I had just given it to Thea and since she didn't wake up until 6 pm, I went the whole day thinking that it was lost. I had the worst day ever thinking about how I lost my camera. I didn't go to one class and was just pissed all day. So after that night we went up to the hill behind East Slope because there was supposed to be a meteor shower. We didn't see shit though. So since I was exhausted I went back and passed out for about 12 hours. Woke up next day hung out most of the day then we went to Karaoke at King and Queen. King and Queen was dope as usual, but at the end of the night we all split into like 3 different groups. Thea and I went home and went to bed. Today I woke up and chilled doing everything possible to procrastinate and now tonight is poker night where I am hoping to take some bitch's moneys.

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