Sunday 4 October 2009

Dublin Adventures

October 4, 2009

So this trip to Dublin was absolutely ridiculous. All the strangest possible things that could have happened, happened, and all the weirdest people I could have possibly met, I met. So we got up for our flight at 6:30 and made our way to the train station. We got on the train made it to our flight. We took this airline called Ryanair and although it was cheap, they didn’t have reclining seats, which I thought was ridiculous. I have never heard of that. Well Mitch and I got to Dublin, got in a cab and went to our hostel. The hostel was pretty cool, and not that bad. We went up to our room and met a couple of French guys who were just moving to Dublin and living in a hostel until they found a flat. We then decided to go roam around the city a little bit. We grabbed a bite to eat at this Italian restaurant and each got steaks. After that we went to the Christchurch Cathedral, and then went over to the Dublin Castle. We went on a tour of the castle, which was pretty interesting. I got to see a throne were King George IV and Queen Victoria both used. After that we decided to go check out Temple Bar, which is just a big tourist area with bars, restaurants, and shops. Since we were exhausted from waking up early and walking around we decided to take a nap. We then woke up went to Subway the got ready for the night. So here is where everything just gets so crazy. We call our friend Lewena who lives in Dublin, and are trying to hang out with her. She tells us that she is going to Diceys, which is just a bar/nightclub. We asked the people at the hostel where that was at and they were like “Dice Bar”, so since we had no idea we were like sure. So we went to Dice Bar, which was in kind of a sketchy area and waited there for like an hour. I was calling, and calling Lewena wondering where the heck she was at. Turns out we were at the wrong place of course. So we get in a cab and head to Diceys. As we get to Diceys there was a line. Mitch who was kind of buzzin asked the bouncer if we were at the Diceys and the bouncer all of sudden was like you are too drunk and made him leave after I had already got in. So when were in line we were talking to these 2 guys next to us. They both go and try to get him in and fail. So finally I go up there and wait in line with him again and it’s a different bouncer so we get in. It was a pretty fun bar with dancing and cheap drinks. We find Lewena somehow and begin to party. We then end up meeting this girl who buys us drinks. She got so pissed when I said that I didn’t have any money to buy her a drink that I get scared and we leave. So when we leave we think of this brilliant idea that on our first night in Dublin we could navigate our way back to the hostel. We manage to walk 5 miles in the wrong direction for what seems like over an hour. These 2 girls walk out of their house and see Mitch and me and since its 2 am and I am wearing a hood, and he is waving around a PVC pipe that he picked up they get frightened and run from us. So we wave down a cab eventually and ask him where the heck we are. He tells us we are nowhere close to where we should be so we get in the cab and he takes us back to the hostel. Apparently we were walking into junkie territory (Dublin has a huge heroin problem, kids were on the street begging everywhere). So when we get back to the hostel, Mitch decides he is hungry, and what do you know we go to a Kebab place. I had no money so I didn’t order anything. Mitch orders his food and I go and sit at this table by myself while he is waiting at the counter. He waits for what seems like a half hour and then a worker comes up to me and says, “you ordered a lamb kebab right?” and immediately I say yes. So he brings me over my free food even before Mitch, who had been waiting forever, got his food. It was the best thing ever. So we went home and went to bed. The next day, Thursday, we got up a little late hung out at the hostel, then went to the Guiness Storehouse, which was completely awesome. At the end of the tour you got a free pint of Guiness in this bar that was on top of the factory where you could see all of Dublin. Mitch and I were still tired so we took a nap again. We got up, made some dinner, and then the hostel put on a pubcrawl so we went to that. Thea was in Dublin too, so she met up with us and went on it with us. It was pretty cool, we went to like 5 different pubs and then a club at the end. Friday we were so worn out from the walking and going out that we went to St. Stephens Green and hung out there for a while and relaxed. We were hungry so went looking for cheap food. We found a Gourmet Burger Kitchen that had any burgers, which are amazing, for 5 euro. We then went back to our hostel for a little and made our way to the Jameson Distillery. It was a pretty cool tour. I got chosen to be a Whiskey taster and got a certificate and everything it was pretty cool. Then we went back to the hostel and our main goal that night was to just chill and not do much, but that failed. We met these 2 American dudes who were backpacking all across Europe and they seemed cool enough so we decided to go out with them. They turned out being some weird dudes. They got so drunk, so fast and one of them I swear needed a leash. As we were walking to the bar one of them fell off a curb onto his ass and laid there. I don’t know how they got that drunk. I watched them drink the whole time. Mitch and I were getting so annoyed so we ditched these dudes at the bar. We went to a couple other bars and had a drink then went home and called it a night. We woke up the next morning checked out and I wanted to find Urban Outfitters. It started raining so I just said screw it and went back to the hostel to wait until we had to leave for our flight. We got on the flight got back home, and I said I was going to keep it low key, but failed epically. The night was really fun and hung out with all the Brits in my hallway and everyone here is so freaking awesome I love it so much.

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