Thursday 22 October 2009

Jagged Little Finger

The next day I had to go to wake up and go to my psychology class. I figured out that I was going to do my essay on. We talked about how thin models were causing women and girls to have body anxiety. Then that day I was just chillin, I went into town got a haircut and bought a sick new jacket. So I talked to Amanda later and found out she wanted to go to karaoke so I was so down to go because I hadn’t been in like a month, but before we went to Falmer Bar and watch open mike night. One of her flat mates was performing so she wanted to be there to support him. After that we went out to the King and Queen and sang some karaoke. My favorite thing was I went up to sing Beyonce "Halo" because I wanted to do the whole Kanye West thing about how Beyonce had the best music video of all time. I thought it was really funny, but I don't think any of the British people did. I was on cloud nine the whole entire night and had probably one of the best nights of my life I was at this club Life, which was alright, but I was just having such a great time the whole time. Krissy and I who have the same birthday kept saying how we were twins and the funny thing is she really has a twin so I told her I would be her twin while her brother wasn’t here because I always wanted a twin. On the way home we actually tried something new and went and got chips with curry sauce. I didn’t have anything, but it was probably the first time my crew hasn’t gotten a kebab. When I got home insomnia kicked in though and I ended up staying up really late and sleeping all day. When I woke up for lunch Jake and I decided to go to KFC because we saw this really sick deal that came with a huge amount of food. It was meant to be for 4 people, but we just shared it between ourselves and ate nearly the whole thing. Since I had never been to the Brighton Peer we decided to go check it out. We played in the casino on the peer, which was not really a casino it reminded me more of the Boardwalk (San Diego reference). Then we just cruised back to Sussex and on our way back we decided that we wanted to go on a geocache. So we went and got Brian and Mitch and went out on our adventure. We got to the first one after walking in what looked like mud, but we soon figured out was 100% cow shit for at least 50 ft. It was so disgusting. Since this geocache was not as satisfying as others we were like lets go to another one. As we went to this other one we came across a barbed wire fence. We have come across many barbed wire fences before and crossed them easily, but this one was special. It decided to cut and mangle my finger into something unrecognizeable. So because of the missing skin and blood gushing out of the wound I immediately knew I needed to seek medical attention. Brian and I tried to get back as fast as possible while Mitch and Jake made there way back separately. So logically we went to Health Services. We looked in the building and saw a lady she came to the window and I showed her my finger gushing blood and she basically told me to piss off. Brian and I thought that was a pretty dicked move and were pretty pissed off. So I had to resort to going to my first hospital outside of America. Luckily James has a car so he drove me to the hospital thank god. So as for my first British Hospital experience it was awesome. Can you believe it socialist health care is actually efficient. Seriously in the country hospital in a city with 400,000 people I only had to wait 45 min for care. It was so evil they didn’t make me pay or show my insurance and they didn’t turn me away cause I was injured and had no insurance. Anyone who says national health care doesn’t work or isn’t as good, eat a dick. Seriously you guys are all retarded. Anyways I got my finger all cleaned up and wrapped in a very gay bandage, but no stiches and I got a booster shot as well. Another sick part was I got all the free painkillers that I wanted. So I got on the bus home and heard some people speaking in an American accent, made some conversation and then went home. So now I am just waiting to go to Scotland tomorrow and I have to wake up in 2 hours which sucks cause I slept like 5 hours last night so tomorrow will be interesting.

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