Saturday 17 October 2009

Hanging out at School

So in the past two weeks I have been having a lot of fun. Going to classes and going out and partying. So the Sunday night I got back from Dublin, a few of us went over to Jake, Mike, and Ginny’s for a little kick back. We hung out and I sampled my duty free bottle of Jameson. The next night we went out to Po Na Na. This place is pretty sick because it has cheap drink deals and not to expensive for cover. The played 70s, 80s, and 90s music and it was pretty chill. I ended up leaving the club a little early and had quite an adventure on the way back. The next couple days I just kicked it with the people in my hall and we had a few fun nights. One of those days Mitch and I were chillin with this guy Brian who we met and we decided to go on a geocaching adventure, which was really sick. We walked up into the countryside and went through this sick trail. It started to rain on the walk back and I got completely soaked. We were running through fields in the rain, it was hilarious. Then Thursday night we went to Casablanca, which was really sick. £1.10 shots of tequila and 1.60 bottles of Fosters. At the end of the night we ended up going to get a kebab, which was awesome as usual. That Friday I ended up going to PavTav, with Jack, Natalie, Tane, Sarika, and Lea, who is Natalie’s friend from Denmark.. Mitch and I decided to leave and go back and hang out with Amanda at her flat in East Slope. We went there and everyone had left her party, so it was just her, Jake and us. So Amanda passed out and just left us so we decided to leave and go back to Annalisa’s flat in Swanbourough. We just chilled and listened to music and then I went home. Saturday we tried having a “party” in our hall, but it failed miserably. Thea, her two friends from Elon, Elizabeth and I all went to a club called Audio, which was awesome cause there was no cover on a Saturday. Again we went to get a kebab at the end of the night and I went to bed. Sunday I tried to do homework and got a little done, but then everyone in my hall went to pub quiz so I joined them. It was so cool because we were doing so well and almost won. The next day, Monday, we went back to Po Na Na and this time there was way more people there so the atmosphere was a little better. Before that we pregamed at Varsity with £1 drinks!! The next day I woke up and I think I had came down with some sort of cold so I just stayed in bed all day and skipped my class. I think this is the first time that I can ever remember skipping a class cause I felt like crap. So the next 2 days I tried to just hang out and get better. Then Tuesday night I went on another geocaching adventure with Mitch, Brian, Thea, and Elizabeth. It was so much fun. I had never been so scared in my life and so thrilled. We hoped over like 5 barbed wire fences, were scared to death by a squeeling pig, and stepped in a lot of cow poop. When we got there it was the best feeling. Wednesday I swore I wasn’t going to go out, but Elizabeth had her friend over from school and I got peer pressured into going to a bar, The Font. It was a mad legit place. So crazy too because Ginny ordered a Stella and the bartender says they call that beer “wifebeater”. So weird to think because I considered it a nicer beer in the US. I went home early because I was sick and didn’t want to be staying up late. Then Thursday night we went back to Casablanca again, and we were playing Thumper at a table with like 15 people it was hilarious because it was all sexual references. Then Friday we all threw a surprise birthday party for Ginny. It was so awesome she had no idea what was going on. At the party there was a Gin Bucket and I had a little bit too much so I had to retire early from the party.

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