Tuesday 20 October 2009

Mugabi hate Thatcher and I almost faint

So after waking up Friday morning I had no idea what the hell had happened to me the night before. I woke up in my pajamas and in my bed so nothing bad must have happened. I look on my camera and discover many pictures that I do not remember taking. Some of them are even of my being passed out on a table and stuff it was pretty funny. I go over and look in the mirror and in typical fashion there is a penis on my face. So I talk to Mitch about my experience from the night before and he tells me some funny stuff. Apparently I was passing out sitting up in the middle of the party and then for some odd reason I get up and sprint out of Jake and Mikes apartment, jump down a flight of stairs and run home. So with all this funny things going on we still needed to continue on with Ginny’s birthday celebration. So we go over to Ginny, Mike, and Jake’s and start playing some card games. We played Electricity, Fuck the Dealer, and another one that just got me really drunk I forget what it was called. We ended up getting to Audio at midnight in time to celebrate Ginny’s birthday because it was officially at midnight. We all ended up taking rounds of tequila shots. Then for some reason all of us get separated for a couple hours. So I was just sitting at a booth with Thea for a little while and eventually we found everyone. Apparently there is an upstairs so I’ll note that for future reference. During one of my frequent adventures to the bathroom, I managed to walk into the women’s bathroom then stumbled up the stairs into the disgusting bathroom and speak to a British dude who looks at me and basically ask what the hell is wrong with me? I am just totally not in the state to justify my actions so I go pee and as I am walking out of the bathroom I manage to fall down the stairs and severely destroy my arm in the process. As of today 2 nights later it is still in severe pain. So I continue my night at Audio, mind you this is a club playing Dub Step, Trance, Techno, and any other music similar to that kind. So we decided since it is 3 am we should leave. We see everyone go to the coat room and get everyone’s jackets, but as we are walking away from the coat room Ginny and I proceed to get into a dance off. This was no normal dance off, but one to as I said techno or trance or whatever the music was. I think it lasted a good while, but we were good entertainment for everyone. We then proceeded to go to our usual late night hang out Kebab No. 5. I had no money so I couldn’t get anything. Then I went home met a British dude on the bus and talked to him about America. For some reason British people have a fascination with Texas and this guy of all places in America wanted to go to Texas. So I got home and on a spur of the moment decision I decided I wanted to start gambling online. I proceeded to put money online win another $30, but then lose everything. Finally at 6 am I decided to go to bed. The next morning, or afternoon I guess I woke up at 1 pm and decided I needed to get on the ball with my schoolwork. I went to the library and got many books for my politics class on Margaret Thatcher. Direct quote from Tane about my studying of Margaret Thatcher is that, “All you need to know about Margaret Thatceher is that even Mugabi thinks she is a bitch.” So that is the lady I have been studying intently. I then spend a good chunk of the day reading, and reading, and reading. Finally I got some cabin fever and decided to go hang out at Jake and Ginny’s house. They had some chips and I thought of the brilliant idea to make guacamole. As I am making the guacamole I was cutting a lemon to squeeze some juice into it and cut WAY into my finger. There was all these Asian people and they were celebrating there friends birthday (one of them lived there). Well these one of these people who I had no idea who they were grabs my finger to stop the bleeding. Eventually the bleeding stops, but as the bleeding stops I start getting hot and my eyes start blacking out. I tell the girl I need to sit down as I am sitting down I proceed to black out even more. Eventually that subsides, but it was still a really weird experience. I go home at 2 and end up staying until 3. Wake up and go to class today and as I walk into my class the first thing I hear is, “So you would have sex with Mark Bennister (my teacher) in order to get a good mark.” The conversation eventually ends up about date rape and other things. One of the other really interesting things about my classes is I am taking an Ethnographic Film class. The first week we watched a film about female circumcistion. It was probably one of the most disturbing things that I have ever seen in my life. It showed little girls being held down and having there legs spread, then an old lady comes in with a knife and cuts off their clitoris. Ya imagine watching that. So this week was another weird one, not anywhere near that level, but still pretty weird. We were watching a lady open herself up to the “Gods” and speaking for them. This lady was basically a loon who put herself in hypnosis. Then after all my classes and stuff we continued to celebrate Ginny’s birthday by going out to dinner. We went to this sushi restaurant called Sushi Garden. This place was so legit I got some bomb ass food and drank a couple brews. On our way home everyone wanted desert. We walked in McDonald’s and ask if there was any ice cream, the manager was such a big bitch and when they asked if there was milkshakes the lady was like “WE HAVE NO ICE CREAM”. We all knew we weren’t wanted there so we were like we will do the next best thing and go to KFC, yes we are so American who cares. Everyone came back to my room and we chilled for a little while then peaced out for the night.

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