Wednesday 30 September 2009

Beginning of Fresher's

So the start of Fresher’s Week has been pretty crazy. There have been some cool people who have moved into my hallway. There is this guy Tane who is Welsh, but lives in Zimbabwe. He is freaking hilarious. There has also been this guy named Jack who doesn’t live in my hallway, but he is just always here and it’s kind of funny. So that first night I ended up going to Stuart’s room and we were pregaming. We then went to Falmer Bar and I had a pint and a bomb bacon cheeseburger. We then managed to make our way down to East Slope Bar and that was pretty cool. I ended up seeing some of the people who had moved in my hall and they were pretty sick. I sat down with them and hung with them for a couple of hours. Then we went back to Tane’s room and hung out for a little while then I went to bed. Overall it was a pretty sick night. The next day there was this event called Unite. It was in the student union and they had all kinds of “clubs” set up everywhere. When we first got there it was mad early and there was not that many people, so me and Mitch decided to once again go to Kebab No. 5. We came back and it was finally popping off in Unite. We ended up just going around trying to talk to everyone we saw, then got kind of tired and split. I ended up seeing Tane when we got back so I went and chilled with him in his room for a little while. The next day there was not really that much going on, and we were just hanging out at East Slope Bar for a little while and having a few drinks. Then I got a text from Edie, who is Taylor’s friend who she introduced me too. Mitch and I ended up meeting her at a bar called Varsity. The bar was pretty sick before 11:30 there was £1 pints. We were hanging out with her and a couple other dudes for a while. Then we decided to go to a club, Coalition. We got there and got into the club, but it was only me and Edie. So we wandered around thinking that Mitch and the rest of them might have got into the club after us, but then Edie got a text saying they never got in. We finally met them at another bar called Oxygen. That place was pretty cool too, they were playing the Red Sox game. We ended up calling it a night after the epic club failure and as usual went to Kebab No. 5. Then today I woke up at like 10 am and it was awful. I couldn’t fall asleep again because the beds are so uncomfortable. I went and tried to buy tickets to the pub crawl, but it ended up selling out so Mitch and I ended up going to Mike’s pad in Swanbourgh. We drank some beers and ordered some pizzas. It was a pretty low key night, but mad fun. Now I need to get ready for Dublin tomorrow!! I am so pumped to go!

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