Friday 30 October 2009

Baba Ghanoush

So this week has been a quite week. Monday I went to class took 2 naps and didn't do that much. At the end of the day I was hanging out with James and Simon and at 2 am I decided to do my paper, which I finished at 4 am. So I thought that by getting the paper done early I would be able to go out Tuesday night, but I ended up going to bed at like 8 pm that day and slept a ridiculous amount. Tuesday in my seminar was really fun though. Since our paper was due the next day the TA said that anyone who wanted to go work on it could, because I was done with my paper I decided to stay. It was so much fun because we just chatted with the the TA and there was only like 4 of us. I just left the class feeling really glad that I stayed. The next day was my lazy day I had no class and was just kind of bored the whole day and didn't do much. Tane's step brother was here visiting and he was probably the craziest kid ever. This could really now how to get down. That night we went out to dinner for Elizabeth's birthday. It was Me, Thea, Elizabeth, and Amy. We went to this place called Donatellos and it was so good. I got this pizza with French Fries and mayo on it. At the restaurant we looked so trashy because at the table we all ordered like Tonic water or pineapple juice and we were mixing our own drinks at the table. The funniest part though was at the end after we paid we had a water bottle of vodka on the table and our own mixer for the drinks it was hilarious . Then after dinner, we went to this pub called the Fish Bowl. I had already been here before the night of the Brighton tour, but it was pretty cool this time, there was live music from random musicians and we just sat upstairs and had a couple drinks. Then I wanted to go to Varsity again because I wanted to say high to Edie because she told me she was working that night. So when we got to the bar it was 2 for 1 Coronas and I bought a round, but she gave us 4 for the price of one it was so sick. So we went and chilled in a booth and hung out for a little while. Then we went home because I was mad tired because of my early start. The next day I hung out with Max (Tane's step brother) and the porter was being mad sketchy with us and trying to catch us ridin dirty, but we just peaced. Then I just hung out for a little after class and watched Sopranos, but then that night I went out to dinner again. Thea and I went to this really good vegetarian tapas place. We split this platter that was pretty much a grab bag of everything. It was so good, and for once in this country we had good service. Not like your regular get everything on time, but this waitress went above the call of duty. Then after the bar we went and had some drinks at this pub called The Black Lion. We were just hanging out there waiting for other people to get in to town and we saw this guy who we couldn't tell if he was dressing up for Halloween as a pirate or if that is just how he dressed. He got up and started dancing and it was hilarious. Then we were walking to Oxygen to meet up with everyone. We got there and we saw Elizabeth, Amanda, Lauren, Krissy, and Ginny. The shots there were only £1.50 and I immediatly went and bought Thea a shot with Tabasco, Sambuca, and Tequila in it. I brought it back to her and she was so mad because earlier in the night we were talking about how she got that shot for free in Edinburgh and how nasty it was. But that is kind of where my night "ends". From what I have gathered I got kicked out of the bar and went to a pretty sweet strip club (that didn't black out). But then when I was on the bus I fell 'asleep' and all of a sudden woke up and bolted off the bus leaving everyone I was with behind and woke up this morning fully dressed at 8 am.

Monday 26 October 2009

I LOVE Scotland!!

So Thursday night I slept for about and hour and a half and then had to wake up to go to the airport at 3:30 am. I was so tired it was miserable trying to get up and go, but it was all worth it. So I meet Breck, Thea, Mitch, Annalisa, and Elizabeth in the lobby of York House and we are off to our journey. We make our way down to the bus station and take a bus up to Gatwick. So we get to the airport and were in a slight rush because it said that we needed to be at the gate at 6:20 and it was currently 6. As we were waiting in security they were doing a "random" check to someone and it just so happened to be what looked like a 3 year old. The 3 year old was screaming for its mom and just going nuts. This caused the line to be delayed and soon enough I had 5 minutes to get to the gate. I booked it to the gate, but turns out when I got to the gate we waited another 20 minutes so I was fine. We all got on the plane and I pass out immediately. I was in dire need of sleep. I woke up right after we landed and we all got our stuff and found the bus to get to the hostel. We got off at a random point in the city and were lost for a little while, but made our way to the hostel. We stayed at Budget Backpacker, which was incredible. I loved that hostel, all of the workers were so nice and everyone was just so cool. All of us were starving because we had been awake for 8 hours at that point and we couldn't go in our room until noon, so we ate at this place called Biddy Mulligans. So going into this trip I was convinced the English just knew how to bastardize every type of food ever, but the Scottish can top them easy. Granted the full meal we had was only £4, still it was awful, but it cured my hunger. We then got our hostel at noon and passed out for a couple hours. We all woke up and had no idea what to do so we asked the guy at the desk what would be fun and he told us about Arthur's Seek. We made our way over to this mountain and it was one of the coolest things that I have ever seen in my life. After we got back from hiking down the mountain we were all pretty hungry and needed to find pregaming materials, so we wandered around the city looking for some cheap food/beer. We managed to find this place that relatively cheap drinks and then for dinner we got some pizza that was super cheap. A large cheese pizza was only £3. So we got the food and hung out at the place for a little while and then decided to go back to the hostel to pregame. We planned on going on a pub crawl that the hostel had planned, but we weren't drunk enough at the time of the pub crawl so we just decided to do our own thing. We went to this one bar were the bartenders were complete dicks. They were talking to Thea and Annalisa and I went to order and drink and they wouldn't serve me. I was telling them how I knew both of them and they were still both being complete jerks. There was also a bunch of old people at the bar and it was not very fun. We went to the bar next door and that one was a little better. We didn't stay for long though we ended up joining some pub crawl and going to this retarded club with them. It was free so we couldn't complain. For some reason I just decided to leave on my own, I think I was being a little grumpy because of severe lack of sleep, but I went back into the club after I left because I was the only one with a key so I had to stay with the group. After the night was over the next day we all realized that the first night wasn't really that fun because we were all so tired and being grumpy. The next day we woke up and went on the walking tour that the hostel provided. We went to the cemetery where JK Rowling found names for her characters, walked down the Royal Mile and then went up this hill to see some gorgeous views of the city. We kind of got left behind on the tour towards the end because we were taking so long, but whatever we ran into these guys passing our free Linds chocolate, and we all got so much of it. After the tour we went to an Indian food buffet for only £6. It was so good for the price. We hung out there for a while then as we were walking home we saw a sex shop next door and went in there. It was disturbing some of the videos that they had in there things I wish I never saw. We woke up from the nap and went on a tour of the Underground City that was built over and not discovered until the 1970s. It had been abandoned for 200 years. The place was supposed to be haunted because at one point there was people cooked to death in the chambers because they were trapped in there when there was a fire and the stone heated up that the chamber was made of and baked them. So one of the chambers had a stone circle in the middle and we were told not to touch it or cross into the circle at all because it was possessed. So after everyone was leaving I decided to jump in the circle and do a little dance. It was hilarious, but then we went into the next room which was supossedly the most haunted room of all, and I swear to god I saw a ghost. I got really scared and booked it to get out of there when the tour was over. I ran and they were giving away free shots of whiskey and I downed it as fast as possible. I was seriously so scared. Thea even came out and was crying like full on tears, it was kind of hilarious. So we left and no one believed that I saw anything, but I promise I did. So after that we went to Baguette Express because it was so cheap. Then we went back and took a nap because we were so tired from walking around all day. We woke up and all got ready to go on the Pub Crawl because we actually wanted to go to some good places because we failed last night. So we went to this bar called the OZ bar and hung out there for what seemed like forever. The pub crawl would have been better if it moved a little quicker. We then went to a few more bars after that and in the end went to a club called Espionage. It was super sick and had like 5 different levels. Elizabeth went to hunt for leader of the pub crawl because she thought he was hot for some reason. He was this Canadian dude from Sasquatchenin (?) and had a funky accent. So we lost Elizabeth and ended up searching for her for like 2 hours. Turns out she had just gone back to the hostel and we wasted our time. Thea and I talked to the guy at the hostel desk for a while too. He was from Australia and had just up and moved to Scotland it was really cool. Saturday we had to wake up early because we needed to check out of the hostel at 10. That morning we were the reason why people hate hostels. For about an hour we were loud and the other people must have wanted to kill us. So we checked out and stored our luggage. Then we went to the cafe where JK Rowling had started to write the first Harry Potter book. It was so cool I am almost positive that I sat in the same table as she did to look out the windows and write the book. We sat there for a long time, I drank some really good hot chocolate and then we discovered a drawer where everyone stuck napkins in that they had written on. We read through some of them and some of them were super funny and some were super lame. After we left the cafe we decided to go to the movies. What we discovered is that it takes us forever to get anywhere and we got side tracked so easily all the time. Finally we made it to the movie theater and saw the movie Fantastic Mr. Fox. This movie was freaking weird, but super funny. We then were trying to kill some time and found this pretty cool looking pub with really cheap food. They had couches to sit on and pretty cool music to listen to. I ended up ordering fish and chips, but really it was fish sticks and chips. Everyone's food turned out to be pretty awful and the waiter was a dick, but it was still a cool place to hang out. We then got on the bus went to the airport, hung out there waiting and got home. We took the train back to school and then as soon as we got back we surprised Elizabeth for her birthday. Funny story, so a couple nights ago this girl Krissy who has the same birthday as mine decided to change both our birthdays on facebook to Sunday to try and steal the thunder from Elizabeth's birthday. We did it drunkenly and thought it was hilarious, but some people took it serious and thought it was our birthday. These 2 girls Melanie and Katherine were going to wake Krissy up and sing her happy birthday with a surprise. Krissy felt so bad, but I thought it was hilarious. Anyways we ended up going to Audio that night again, and Elizabeth got her phone and camera stolen. Today I went to Gourmet Burger Kitchen with Mike and his parents. I do not know where the heck Mike came from he is nothing like either of his parents, but it was cool. Got a free burger out of it. Then I came back today chilled for a while with Jake and Mitch and then randomly saw Thea, Elizabeth and Mellisa and they all came and hung out in my room for like 4 hours.

Thursday 22 October 2009

Jagged Little Finger

The next day I had to go to wake up and go to my psychology class. I figured out that I was going to do my essay on. We talked about how thin models were causing women and girls to have body anxiety. Then that day I was just chillin, I went into town got a haircut and bought a sick new jacket. So I talked to Amanda later and found out she wanted to go to karaoke so I was so down to go because I hadn’t been in like a month, but before we went to Falmer Bar and watch open mike night. One of her flat mates was performing so she wanted to be there to support him. After that we went out to the King and Queen and sang some karaoke. My favorite thing was I went up to sing Beyonce "Halo" because I wanted to do the whole Kanye West thing about how Beyonce had the best music video of all time. I thought it was really funny, but I don't think any of the British people did. I was on cloud nine the whole entire night and had probably one of the best nights of my life I was at this club Life, which was alright, but I was just having such a great time the whole time. Krissy and I who have the same birthday kept saying how we were twins and the funny thing is she really has a twin so I told her I would be her twin while her brother wasn’t here because I always wanted a twin. On the way home we actually tried something new and went and got chips with curry sauce. I didn’t have anything, but it was probably the first time my crew hasn’t gotten a kebab. When I got home insomnia kicked in though and I ended up staying up really late and sleeping all day. When I woke up for lunch Jake and I decided to go to KFC because we saw this really sick deal that came with a huge amount of food. It was meant to be for 4 people, but we just shared it between ourselves and ate nearly the whole thing. Since I had never been to the Brighton Peer we decided to go check it out. We played in the casino on the peer, which was not really a casino it reminded me more of the Boardwalk (San Diego reference). Then we just cruised back to Sussex and on our way back we decided that we wanted to go on a geocache. So we went and got Brian and Mitch and went out on our adventure. We got to the first one after walking in what looked like mud, but we soon figured out was 100% cow shit for at least 50 ft. It was so disgusting. Since this geocache was not as satisfying as others we were like lets go to another one. As we went to this other one we came across a barbed wire fence. We have come across many barbed wire fences before and crossed them easily, but this one was special. It decided to cut and mangle my finger into something unrecognizeable. So because of the missing skin and blood gushing out of the wound I immediately knew I needed to seek medical attention. Brian and I tried to get back as fast as possible while Mitch and Jake made there way back separately. So logically we went to Health Services. We looked in the building and saw a lady she came to the window and I showed her my finger gushing blood and she basically told me to piss off. Brian and I thought that was a pretty dicked move and were pretty pissed off. So I had to resort to going to my first hospital outside of America. Luckily James has a car so he drove me to the hospital thank god. So as for my first British Hospital experience it was awesome. Can you believe it socialist health care is actually efficient. Seriously in the country hospital in a city with 400,000 people I only had to wait 45 min for care. It was so evil they didn’t make me pay or show my insurance and they didn’t turn me away cause I was injured and had no insurance. Anyone who says national health care doesn’t work or isn’t as good, eat a dick. Seriously you guys are all retarded. Anyways I got my finger all cleaned up and wrapped in a very gay bandage, but no stiches and I got a booster shot as well. Another sick part was I got all the free painkillers that I wanted. So I got on the bus home and heard some people speaking in an American accent, made some conversation and then went home. So now I am just waiting to go to Scotland tomorrow and I have to wake up in 2 hours which sucks cause I slept like 5 hours last night so tomorrow will be interesting.

Tuesday 20 October 2009

Mugabi hate Thatcher and I almost faint

So after waking up Friday morning I had no idea what the hell had happened to me the night before. I woke up in my pajamas and in my bed so nothing bad must have happened. I look on my camera and discover many pictures that I do not remember taking. Some of them are even of my being passed out on a table and stuff it was pretty funny. I go over and look in the mirror and in typical fashion there is a penis on my face. So I talk to Mitch about my experience from the night before and he tells me some funny stuff. Apparently I was passing out sitting up in the middle of the party and then for some odd reason I get up and sprint out of Jake and Mikes apartment, jump down a flight of stairs and run home. So with all this funny things going on we still needed to continue on with Ginny’s birthday celebration. So we go over to Ginny, Mike, and Jake’s and start playing some card games. We played Electricity, Fuck the Dealer, and another one that just got me really drunk I forget what it was called. We ended up getting to Audio at midnight in time to celebrate Ginny’s birthday because it was officially at midnight. We all ended up taking rounds of tequila shots. Then for some reason all of us get separated for a couple hours. So I was just sitting at a booth with Thea for a little while and eventually we found everyone. Apparently there is an upstairs so I’ll note that for future reference. During one of my frequent adventures to the bathroom, I managed to walk into the women’s bathroom then stumbled up the stairs into the disgusting bathroom and speak to a British dude who looks at me and basically ask what the hell is wrong with me? I am just totally not in the state to justify my actions so I go pee and as I am walking out of the bathroom I manage to fall down the stairs and severely destroy my arm in the process. As of today 2 nights later it is still in severe pain. So I continue my night at Audio, mind you this is a club playing Dub Step, Trance, Techno, and any other music similar to that kind. So we decided since it is 3 am we should leave. We see everyone go to the coat room and get everyone’s jackets, but as we are walking away from the coat room Ginny and I proceed to get into a dance off. This was no normal dance off, but one to as I said techno or trance or whatever the music was. I think it lasted a good while, but we were good entertainment for everyone. We then proceeded to go to our usual late night hang out Kebab No. 5. I had no money so I couldn’t get anything. Then I went home met a British dude on the bus and talked to him about America. For some reason British people have a fascination with Texas and this guy of all places in America wanted to go to Texas. So I got home and on a spur of the moment decision I decided I wanted to start gambling online. I proceeded to put money online win another $30, but then lose everything. Finally at 6 am I decided to go to bed. The next morning, or afternoon I guess I woke up at 1 pm and decided I needed to get on the ball with my schoolwork. I went to the library and got many books for my politics class on Margaret Thatcher. Direct quote from Tane about my studying of Margaret Thatcher is that, “All you need to know about Margaret Thatceher is that even Mugabi thinks she is a bitch.” So that is the lady I have been studying intently. I then spend a good chunk of the day reading, and reading, and reading. Finally I got some cabin fever and decided to go hang out at Jake and Ginny’s house. They had some chips and I thought of the brilliant idea to make guacamole. As I am making the guacamole I was cutting a lemon to squeeze some juice into it and cut WAY into my finger. There was all these Asian people and they were celebrating there friends birthday (one of them lived there). Well these one of these people who I had no idea who they were grabs my finger to stop the bleeding. Eventually the bleeding stops, but as the bleeding stops I start getting hot and my eyes start blacking out. I tell the girl I need to sit down as I am sitting down I proceed to black out even more. Eventually that subsides, but it was still a really weird experience. I go home at 2 and end up staying until 3. Wake up and go to class today and as I walk into my class the first thing I hear is, “So you would have sex with Mark Bennister (my teacher) in order to get a good mark.” The conversation eventually ends up about date rape and other things. One of the other really interesting things about my classes is I am taking an Ethnographic Film class. The first week we watched a film about female circumcistion. It was probably one of the most disturbing things that I have ever seen in my life. It showed little girls being held down and having there legs spread, then an old lady comes in with a knife and cuts off their clitoris. Ya imagine watching that. So this week was another weird one, not anywhere near that level, but still pretty weird. We were watching a lady open herself up to the “Gods” and speaking for them. This lady was basically a loon who put herself in hypnosis. Then after all my classes and stuff we continued to celebrate Ginny’s birthday by going out to dinner. We went to this sushi restaurant called Sushi Garden. This place was so legit I got some bomb ass food and drank a couple brews. On our way home everyone wanted desert. We walked in McDonald’s and ask if there was any ice cream, the manager was such a big bitch and when they asked if there was milkshakes the lady was like “WE HAVE NO ICE CREAM”. We all knew we weren’t wanted there so we were like we will do the next best thing and go to KFC, yes we are so American who cares. Everyone came back to my room and we chilled for a little while then peaced out for the night.

Saturday 17 October 2009

Hanging out at School

So in the past two weeks I have been having a lot of fun. Going to classes and going out and partying. So the Sunday night I got back from Dublin, a few of us went over to Jake, Mike, and Ginny’s for a little kick back. We hung out and I sampled my duty free bottle of Jameson. The next night we went out to Po Na Na. This place is pretty sick because it has cheap drink deals and not to expensive for cover. The played 70s, 80s, and 90s music and it was pretty chill. I ended up leaving the club a little early and had quite an adventure on the way back. The next couple days I just kicked it with the people in my hall and we had a few fun nights. One of those days Mitch and I were chillin with this guy Brian who we met and we decided to go on a geocaching adventure, which was really sick. We walked up into the countryside and went through this sick trail. It started to rain on the walk back and I got completely soaked. We were running through fields in the rain, it was hilarious. Then Thursday night we went to Casablanca, which was really sick. £1.10 shots of tequila and 1.60 bottles of Fosters. At the end of the night we ended up going to get a kebab, which was awesome as usual. That Friday I ended up going to PavTav, with Jack, Natalie, Tane, Sarika, and Lea, who is Natalie’s friend from Denmark.. Mitch and I decided to leave and go back and hang out with Amanda at her flat in East Slope. We went there and everyone had left her party, so it was just her, Jake and us. So Amanda passed out and just left us so we decided to leave and go back to Annalisa’s flat in Swanbourough. We just chilled and listened to music and then I went home. Saturday we tried having a “party” in our hall, but it failed miserably. Thea, her two friends from Elon, Elizabeth and I all went to a club called Audio, which was awesome cause there was no cover on a Saturday. Again we went to get a kebab at the end of the night and I went to bed. Sunday I tried to do homework and got a little done, but then everyone in my hall went to pub quiz so I joined them. It was so cool because we were doing so well and almost won. The next day, Monday, we went back to Po Na Na and this time there was way more people there so the atmosphere was a little better. Before that we pregamed at Varsity with £1 drinks!! The next day I woke up and I think I had came down with some sort of cold so I just stayed in bed all day and skipped my class. I think this is the first time that I can ever remember skipping a class cause I felt like crap. So the next 2 days I tried to just hang out and get better. Then Tuesday night I went on another geocaching adventure with Mitch, Brian, Thea, and Elizabeth. It was so much fun. I had never been so scared in my life and so thrilled. We hoped over like 5 barbed wire fences, were scared to death by a squeeling pig, and stepped in a lot of cow poop. When we got there it was the best feeling. Wednesday I swore I wasn’t going to go out, but Elizabeth had her friend over from school and I got peer pressured into going to a bar, The Font. It was a mad legit place. So crazy too because Ginny ordered a Stella and the bartender says they call that beer “wifebeater”. So weird to think because I considered it a nicer beer in the US. I went home early because I was sick and didn’t want to be staying up late. Then Thursday night we went back to Casablanca again, and we were playing Thumper at a table with like 15 people it was hilarious because it was all sexual references. Then Friday we all threw a surprise birthday party for Ginny. It was so awesome she had no idea what was going on. At the party there was a Gin Bucket and I had a little bit too much so I had to retire early from the party.

Sunday 4 October 2009

Dublin Adventures

October 4, 2009

So this trip to Dublin was absolutely ridiculous. All the strangest possible things that could have happened, happened, and all the weirdest people I could have possibly met, I met. So we got up for our flight at 6:30 and made our way to the train station. We got on the train made it to our flight. We took this airline called Ryanair and although it was cheap, they didn’t have reclining seats, which I thought was ridiculous. I have never heard of that. Well Mitch and I got to Dublin, got in a cab and went to our hostel. The hostel was pretty cool, and not that bad. We went up to our room and met a couple of French guys who were just moving to Dublin and living in a hostel until they found a flat. We then decided to go roam around the city a little bit. We grabbed a bite to eat at this Italian restaurant and each got steaks. After that we went to the Christchurch Cathedral, and then went over to the Dublin Castle. We went on a tour of the castle, which was pretty interesting. I got to see a throne were King George IV and Queen Victoria both used. After that we decided to go check out Temple Bar, which is just a big tourist area with bars, restaurants, and shops. Since we were exhausted from waking up early and walking around we decided to take a nap. We then woke up went to Subway the got ready for the night. So here is where everything just gets so crazy. We call our friend Lewena who lives in Dublin, and are trying to hang out with her. She tells us that she is going to Diceys, which is just a bar/nightclub. We asked the people at the hostel where that was at and they were like “Dice Bar”, so since we had no idea we were like sure. So we went to Dice Bar, which was in kind of a sketchy area and waited there for like an hour. I was calling, and calling Lewena wondering where the heck she was at. Turns out we were at the wrong place of course. So we get in a cab and head to Diceys. As we get to Diceys there was a line. Mitch who was kind of buzzin asked the bouncer if we were at the Diceys and the bouncer all of sudden was like you are too drunk and made him leave after I had already got in. So when were in line we were talking to these 2 guys next to us. They both go and try to get him in and fail. So finally I go up there and wait in line with him again and it’s a different bouncer so we get in. It was a pretty fun bar with dancing and cheap drinks. We find Lewena somehow and begin to party. We then end up meeting this girl who buys us drinks. She got so pissed when I said that I didn’t have any money to buy her a drink that I get scared and we leave. So when we leave we think of this brilliant idea that on our first night in Dublin we could navigate our way back to the hostel. We manage to walk 5 miles in the wrong direction for what seems like over an hour. These 2 girls walk out of their house and see Mitch and me and since its 2 am and I am wearing a hood, and he is waving around a PVC pipe that he picked up they get frightened and run from us. So we wave down a cab eventually and ask him where the heck we are. He tells us we are nowhere close to where we should be so we get in the cab and he takes us back to the hostel. Apparently we were walking into junkie territory (Dublin has a huge heroin problem, kids were on the street begging everywhere). So when we get back to the hostel, Mitch decides he is hungry, and what do you know we go to a Kebab place. I had no money so I didn’t order anything. Mitch orders his food and I go and sit at this table by myself while he is waiting at the counter. He waits for what seems like a half hour and then a worker comes up to me and says, “you ordered a lamb kebab right?” and immediately I say yes. So he brings me over my free food even before Mitch, who had been waiting forever, got his food. It was the best thing ever. So we went home and went to bed. The next day, Thursday, we got up a little late hung out at the hostel, then went to the Guiness Storehouse, which was completely awesome. At the end of the tour you got a free pint of Guiness in this bar that was on top of the factory where you could see all of Dublin. Mitch and I were still tired so we took a nap again. We got up, made some dinner, and then the hostel put on a pubcrawl so we went to that. Thea was in Dublin too, so she met up with us and went on it with us. It was pretty cool, we went to like 5 different pubs and then a club at the end. Friday we were so worn out from the walking and going out that we went to St. Stephens Green and hung out there for a while and relaxed. We were hungry so went looking for cheap food. We found a Gourmet Burger Kitchen that had any burgers, which are amazing, for 5 euro. We then went back to our hostel for a little and made our way to the Jameson Distillery. It was a pretty cool tour. I got chosen to be a Whiskey taster and got a certificate and everything it was pretty cool. Then we went back to the hostel and our main goal that night was to just chill and not do much, but that failed. We met these 2 American dudes who were backpacking all across Europe and they seemed cool enough so we decided to go out with them. They turned out being some weird dudes. They got so drunk, so fast and one of them I swear needed a leash. As we were walking to the bar one of them fell off a curb onto his ass and laid there. I don’t know how they got that drunk. I watched them drink the whole time. Mitch and I were getting so annoyed so we ditched these dudes at the bar. We went to a couple other bars and had a drink then went home and called it a night. We woke up the next morning checked out and I wanted to find Urban Outfitters. It started raining so I just said screw it and went back to the hostel to wait until we had to leave for our flight. We got on the flight got back home, and I said I was going to keep it low key, but failed epically. The night was really fun and hung out with all the Brits in my hallway and everyone here is so freaking awesome I love it so much.
