Saturday 19 September 2009

The Party Week (9/15-9/18)

So this week was a wild one! Tuesday night was Karaoke again and boy do I know how to pregame. When we got to Ye Olde King and Queen I was already good to go! But since there was a special on drinks I could not help myself. I also had managed to sneak some vodka in so I was good to go for the rest of the night. I ended up going on stage with a couple of people and singing probably the worst version of “Killing Me Softly” by The Fugee’s in the history of mankind, but it was still really fun. The rest of the night is pretty much a haze. So I woke up the next day in my bed with my pajamas on, alarm set for class, and I was good to go. But Stuart came into my room around 9 o clock and was like, “What happened to you last night, you ended up disappearing” and I told him I had no idea. Everyone all Thursday was just asking me what happened and where I went so I have no idea what happened, but I made it home safe. So I woke up Wednesday and actually went to the first class of the Sussex in September program that I enjoyed. We talked about Europeanization, and the blending of the European cultures, which I found very interesting. Then that night people were trying to go out to Oceanaa so I was down. I was pre gaming with Mitch and Annalisa, but they didn’t want to go to the club, so it ended up being Joao, Stuart, Thea, Joya, Lewena, me and I think a few other people. That was probably one of the best nights that I have had because I finally didn’t get to crazy and just overall had a good night. That was a very late night. I ended up getting home really late, and then I saw that Rudy was on Skype so I talked to him for like an hour and half. It was funny we were having a Skype party. After that I started talking to Ian and Paul on aim too, so I didn’t end up going to bed until a little after 7 am. I woke up really late the next day and was just being extremely lazy all day. Then that night people were trying to go out clubbing again, so it was the start of another crazy night. We started out going to East Slope Pub because Kai the activities coordinator for the program was doing Trivia. I showed up towards the end and did not participate, but then everyone wanted to go back and drink more so we were all hanging out in my hallway and left to find a club. We got into town wandered to like 3 clubs and 2 wouldn’t let us in because I think they didn’t want to let 40 Americans in the club a little past midnight. I ended up seeing that guy who I met on the bus Monday night. He turned out to be a little eccentric. He wanted to go this club Poo na na, but we ended up going to Kebab 5, which was incredible. While we were in Kebab 5 this guy Chris was being really weird talking about how someone was going to pay 20 pounds for me to go to this club and I was like no thanks and when he stepped outside we all literally ran away from this kid because we were all so sketched out by him. We got home and called it a night. Then everyone woke up Friday and pretty much left and because I have so much homework this weekend I decided not to go up to London with people so I could stay and finish all my stuff. I did a miserable job of doing work though. I took about 3 pages of notes and then went into the kitchen and ended up hanging out with Joao, Silvana, and Kelly until maybe 1:30 am.

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