Wednesday 16 December 2009

The Final Countdown

Monday I used the logic, well I have been writing a paper the past 2 days so I should take a day off. So I just literally hung out with James and Mitch all day chillin doing what we do best. The night then began to role around and we needed to figure out what we were going to do for the night. So I sent out a message through SIS that we were going to do a power hour in Mitch's room. Ended up only being Lauren, Amanda, Elizabeth, Mitch, Mike, Joya and me. After the power hour we decided that we were going to hit up our usual Monday haunt Varsity. I just love cheap drinks way too much. We all go to the bus and see it drive right by us, which was super gay. Elizabeth and Lauren decide they are going to walk to Falmer and try and catch the bus there. I did not realize this for a couple minutes and all of sudden I told Mitch that we should catch up with them. We bolted and were soon followed by Lauren. Mike not wanting to run just went home and wrote a paper (mind you just half hour minimum after he does a power hour). We get on the bus go to the bar have a chill time and what not. Next day I had to start doing research for my Ethnographic film paper, which was probably one of the gayest things that I have ever done in my life. I hate Anthropology and think it is retarded. Even my professor said it was a useless field because there is no way to identify a culture through the experiences of a few people. Everyone has different identities and sees the culture through a different perspective. Basically Anthropology is just a giant generalization and is useless. Anyway I ended up drinking this NASTY stuff, that I swore off the next day, called White Ace. This shit is the devil and sneaks up on you really quick. A shit ton of us go to Karaoke, me being blackout ends up going crazy, and am a giant dick to everyone for some reason. I run off as usual and there you go. I woke up the next day feeling like a complete ass hole at 730 and was like screw this and just decided to write my anthro paper. Banged out that garbage in like an hour and a half. Watched Green Street Hooligans and then slept for a couple hours. That night we decided to go to Oceana. It was pretty sick and I had a good time. Elizabeth and I left without everyone and went and got Chips and Curry. I had never had them before and they were amazing. I wish I would have never went to Kebab No. 5 and just gone there the whole school year. Side note, so I made a bet with Mike how I would not eat a Kebab for the last month of school and succeeded. Fuck Kebabs. Then we went up and touched the sea to take it off our failed bucket list. We got about half, but still not a good effort. Next day all I had to do was write my bibliography and turn in my paper and then my semester was ALL DONE!!!!!! So Elizabeth and I got all that shit done and that evening I went out to dinner with all the people in my hall. We went to this good place called Good Friends Chinese Food. It was really nice. We all had a great time. After that we went to Oxygen for 1.50 shots and then eventually everyone else came into town and I met them at the door of Coalition. Coalition was so sick. They gave out free Santa hats at the door. They played some sick old school music and it was just really fun. The drinks weren't that bad either. £2 pints of Fosters so it was good for a club. Thea and I ended up being the people who stayed the latest. After we went and got Chips and Curry again and sat on a bench on the seafront eating them at 3 am. Then we went to the bus stop and waited forever for the bus and went home. Friday was our final day in Brighton and it was so strange. I basically just chilled all day and watched some TV and didn't do anything significant for my life, chillin with my boys and stuff. We then decided to go into town in the evening to go to the Pier and eat Fish and Chips. So Elizabeth, Thea, Mitch, Annalisa, and I all went in to town. Ate at this world famous Fish and Chips place and then walked the Pier. Thea is a psycho and got Ice Cream when it was like 40. We then went to Primark and I bought Chrissy her stupid shoes. Then cruised home and took a nap. After the nap I chilled with Mitch and James more then went over to Mike's pad. Everyone was chillin over there and it was a good opportunity to say goodbye to everyone all at once. I was surprisingly not really sad at all (no offense) I just think I was in such anguish and pain the previous 2 weeks that I got it out of my system and was ready for all this. I still love everyone. Went home packed and went to bed. Next day was the day. I was flying home with Thea, Hollis and Elizabeth so we all got to the airport together and took the same flight. I love British Airways (minus the $68 luggage fee). I jacked a free pair of DJ headphones that I am using right now that are really good being that they were free. We got free booze on the plane, and some awesome meals. Eventually towards the end of the flight we decide that we need to GFU. We bust out the bottle of duty free vodka and start doing shots. I think the altitude got to us because we ended up getting a little loud. The flight attendant came over and told us we weren't supposed to be opening the bottle on the plane and we were all embarrassed because we were 1/3 of the bottle deep. So we got of the plane and of course I hate US Customs. Since this was my first time ever coming back to the US not from Mexico I had no idea what I was doing. So they stamped my passport, stamped my immigration form, and I was like ok cool I am all good. Not. I threw the slip away thinking ok I am approved. Nope. There is another dick customs officer and he was giving me shit. I told him I didn't have the slip and he didn't believe me. I showed him my boarding pass saying that I just landed and the the stamp in my passport from the other customs officer and he still gave me a hard time. Made me empty my pockets, my jacket pockets, my backpack, then laughed and was like you can just go I checked your passport. So basically he was just being a big giant cock munch. Then we got picked up by Thea's friends to go to this party in Dot. It was fun except I was so unbelievably exhausted that I ended up passing out after 2 hours. The next day Thea's parents picked us up and we dropped Elizabeth off at South Station and they took me out to dinner in Springfield at a sick restaurant called the Red Rose and I went home. It is so weird thinking that this whole thing is over and how awesome and unbelievable this whole thing was.

Monday 7 December 2009

Going Out Hard

So since we have this little bucket list going we decided that we needed to go out hard and try and do as many things as we can before we leave. Monday I actually went to a class, which has been a rarity for me, then at class it was awesome. I found out that I did not have to go to class anymore for the rest of the semester and if I wanted too the teacher would buy me a beer (obvs did not go). So that night we decided to hit up one of our usual haunts. We had a pretty solid group of people going Krissy, Annalisa, Mitch, Lauren, Elizabeth, Krissy, Thea, Ginny, Mellisa (i think), and me. We went to Varsity first of course because of all the cheap beers and JD & Cokes. After Varsity we hit up Po Na Na!!! It was a really funny night. I love going to Po Na Na because it is a club, but they have tables everywhere to sit at so you can just chill if you don't feel like dancing. During the night we had a funny little photo shoot where between mine and Thea's camera there was like 15 pictures of the girls posing for different things. Good night. Next day was my favorite day of the week of course because it was karaoke!!! We had managed to get James to come out with us too which is a plus. I told James that on our bucket list there was a goal for one of the girls to bang an English dude and that it was his duty to fulfill that duty for them. So we had a pretty sick night at karaoke, I didn't sign up for, but someone signed me up for Mariah Carrey "All I want for Christmas" so James, Mitch and I all sang that. After Karaoke we cruised over to Life because there is this sexy ass poster hanging up everywhere advertising the club, and honest to god that is the only reason why I wanted to go that club. It turned out to be pretty dope. They had £2 pints which is always good. Thea and I were trying to leave and we were looking around for people. We were only able to find Elizabeth and she was in one of her awful drunken rages. So the WHOLE walk to the bus we listened to her bitch, then the WHOLE bus ride home we listened to her bitch, then the WHOLE walk to York House we listened to her bitch. I love listening to people bitch it is really fun...Not. (Just playing Elizabeth you know I love you). Went home passed right out. Next day was really sick. Thea cooked Mitch, Elizabeth, and Me dinner. She made these enchiladas which were some of the best Enchiladas I have ever had in my entire life. I think I am a proper critic too because of my hometown/mexican friends. After our delicious dinner Elizabeth and I tried to go see Paranormal Activity with all my hall mates. Every movie in the theater was sold out so we just ended up going to Oxygen because they have £1.50 shots and they are really good. So we went and chilled there for a while. Side note this is how far I have come since being here, I was looking at the scores for Premier League and I have enough knowledge to know that when Blackburn beat Chelsea that it was an epic upset. It was rainy and gross and I wanted to go home, so everyone else followed suit. Cruised home and chilled with Thea and went to bed. Thursday was a really sick night. We started pregaming in Mitch's room and were planning on going to Coalition with all my hall mates. Coalition was pretty dope on Thursday. They call it Secret Discotheque where they play 80s and 90s music. I was drinking some White Ace to pregame which is like the equivalent to Steel Reserve. Needless to say the results were predictable. I ended up getting really emo at one point and had to leave the club. Overall it was a good night and I definitely want to go back this Thursday too. Throughout this whole week I was supposed to be doing work all day and then going out at night. Managed to not do any work at all any of these days thinking that I would just do it the next day. Needless to say never did any work at all. Friday I woke up mad late and Thea, Elizabeth, and I decided to act like we were the most English people in history. We went afternoon tea at the Mock Turtle, which is right next door to my new enemy Abraham from Kebab No. 5. I know I used to rave about Kebabs, fuck those things. So nasty never want one again and I am so glad I made that bet with Mike so he owes me £20 sukkkkaaa. Tea was really good and we had Scones as well with this sick jam and some type of cream. We then went to H&M where I just followed the girls around for about an hour and zoned out. Then we went to Pav Tav so we get some real fish and chips from a pub. It was cool the idea, but it was more like batter and chips because there wasnt that much fish inside the batter. We all felt like shit for the rest of the night. That night we went over to Jake and Mike's pad to play some beer pong. I haven't played in forever and suck dick, but whatever I hate beer pong. That's what you play when you have a girlfriend and don't want to be social. We all were horrible and just wanted the game to end. So after that I went home at like midnight because I was mad tired. Saturday I actually read for a couple hours for my paper. Then everyone came into my room and we played some more drinking games. I also cooked dinner for me and Thea. I am seriously becoming such a sick chef. I never thought in my life I would cook for anyone and now I am cooking proper meals for people. We made this curry with a bunch of vegetables and rice. Then I through some chicken in it which was so dope. Then Sunday I literally just read and wrote my paper all day which is super gay, but now its done so I am not stressing now I still have the retarded Ethnographic Film paper which I am totally fucked on, but whatever I pulled off Macro last semester I can do this.
